Sickness and Blackouts

Sickness and Blackouts

(Lubumbashi, DRC – 1976) I kept on dozing on and off. When I woke up, we were being thrashed around in the back of a large jeep. Daddy was steadying me, Simon by Mummy. A few minutes later we arrived at a hotel. We walked into the lobby. There were two men sitting in...
Gum balls and Plane rides

Gum balls and Plane rides

(Democratic Republic of Congo formerly known as Zaire – 1976) We had been playing with some bright coloured bubble gum balls that Mummy had brought home that morning. She had told us specifically not to touch them. But they looked so bright and tempting in their...
A close call – Zambia: Part 3

A close call – Zambia: Part 3

Road trips were an occurring theme during my childhood. Despite the trials and tribulations that came with living in hardship countries, my parents always managed to fit in one or two memorable ones. This particular road trip was when we were living in Lusaka, Zambia....
Zambia – Part 1 – Wellington

Zambia – Part 1 – Wellington

Each time we moved I would get butterflies in my stomach, anticipating the excitement and adventure of discovering a new place we would call home. I loved moves, Simon not so much. We called Lusaka, Zambia home between 1986-1989. I was 15, my brother 12. To soften the...
A perfect day

A perfect day

Coasting along the Ébrié lagoon, we passed by the local villagers in their long wooden boats, casting their nets for the first catch of the day.  Pink-backed pelicans and African darters flew along with Dad at the helm, into the beginning of a promising day. We were...